Have you heard about the BIRD?

Kraven Tape Past History

The moment I learned I was circumcised I instantly had to know if there was something that can done to reverse it. After I found out that Foreskin Restoration was an option, I went to my nearest hardware store to build my first homemade device. Down the rabbit hole I go and into my foreskin restoration journey.

It all started with a carriage bolt I bought in 2012 and that bolt to this day has been with me. Still to this day that's how I make my all my custom bolts from these stainless carriage bolts.

Getting started I never tried T-tape or tape devices as everyone and device manufactures were so against it and spouting rumors how icky tape is. So I never tried it and opted for manual methods and clamp-on type devices. The moment I tried tape I dropped my homemade tugger and never looked back. Still I love manual as option. Comfort from glans chaffing was one of my main reasons to restore, and so too, I want my device to be ultra comfy while I go about my day restoring.

My past business name was called FBFRP Flash Bolt Factor. It was a well thought out name but then the birds started to take over in 2024(lol). I never changed the logo which it always had a Raven hidden in there, so I decided it was time for him to come out and crow. B no longer means Bolt, now Bird. Flying BFRP, flip the P and change F to I, BIRD. BIRD - Inflation Raven Device. Not all that was intended, ha.

photo of lightning
photo of lightning
lathe machine
lathe machine

Manufacturing and design

For now I do this as a hobby, well perhaps it'll become something more. I like to come up with ideas and make those ideas into functional prototypes. I have a lot of tools, lathe machining tools for metal, welding, wood working tools, and many other miscellaneous tools. I get more tools as my prototypes require them. I usually use a lot of older belt driven machines since they're a bit quieter to operate. I do other things but would love to focus on this full time. Everything I offer here is my original idea and handmade by myself. Of course some stuff is imported goods.

See me on Reddit as u/fbfrp, follow me on X(Twitter), also new videos to come.

Hope everyone finds handy and useful information here, stay creative.

Keith Arc