Real Reviews

Total Birds Sold: 3

DFD - Parrot Cord Tension Band *****

I'm a t-taper and this gives me another alternative. Works great. Also fast shipping!

KA - Device Maker

Please do leave reviews. Also include a name or nickname to be displayed in review. I'll include both positive and negative. If negative, I may have a reply to go with it. Hey if you made it this far into my site, I like to say Thank You and I hope you find your ideal restoration device.

Mark - Phalarope *****

I’ve been a T-taper 24/7 guy for just over a year now and have had great progress. I think it’s the best method but has the limitation of not being able to use other methods that work well too like dual tension and air. The Phalarope was the perfect solution to get the Dual tension that I sorely needed for my situation. Keith has put an incredible amount of time and effort and has made fantastic devices. He is very responsive and is constantly innovating. I can’t recommend his devices enough! Thank you for everything!
