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Get on the fast track with T-tape. Weather you're a beginner at a super tight cut or a long term veteran. T-tape isn't just black and white, see the various colors and designs Kinesiology tape brings.

Fastback Mustang vector image
Fastback Mustang vector image
T-tape Devices

Take your T-tape game up a notch. From a weight that resembles a restoring penis, to basic T-tape samples to help get you started. No other device maker specializes in T-tape. Bi-direction push rods, indirect inflation, pulse direct inflation, packing, all hand made in USA.

Metal device resembling a penis
Metal device resembling a penis
Useful Restoration Products

Find useful products that enhance your comfort, T-tape materials to make your own tapes, and storage containers to sort various restoration parts. These are products I have no regrets buying for my own restoration needs. Click on images to see the products.

Amazon Product ListAmazon Product List
UV protection arm sleeves.UV protection arm sleeves.
Bolts & NutsBolts & Nuts
Foreskin Restoration

Foreskin Restoration is one of many common practices of Tissue Expansion. Skin expansion is used in other areas where extra skin is needed such as burn victims, plastic surgery, scalp reconstruction, bone expansion, muscle expansion, etc. We stretch our penile skin in order to increase the mitotic activity so that new cells divide and replenish into a restored foreskin. It's not just skin we are growing as another layer is present in the penile skin called the Dartos fascia which is a thin smooth muscle layer. Because of this muscle layer foreskin restoration may take longer than your average tissue expansion process. It usually takes between 5 - 10 years of consistent tensioning. Some restorers have claimed full flaccid coverage or greater in as little as 2 years. Every mm you gain is bond to you forever, which is great, that new restored foreskin you grew is now yours and no one can ever again say otherwise!

Yes some pieces of the foreskin can not be recovered, but still there is some hope left. The ridged band can be mimicked by use of finger gel protector sleeves and T-tape. I found a way by placing a gel ring over the adhered skin(T-tape) and cuffing the fastening area back and over the gel ring. Then to use a condom when in position. When I did this I had my best orgasm ever. Ever so much that it rivals the first time I ever ejaculated. Yes, ALL is or is becoming lackluster. Meaning as you age orgasms and sensations will only decline in quality. This is why studies that review men circumcised shortly afterwards give positive feedback. Ask that same guy in 20 years and I bet he have different tale to tell. Another 20, I only heard of stories of more and more numbness and decreased sensations.

Wanting more info? Please checkout my blog posts. Also there is a ton of info on Reddit r/foreskin_restoration. Till then, KOT (Keep on Tugging) on the journey to full restoration. What a rejuvenation it will be filled with new experiences and a new enhanced sex life.